Hexagon: Updated software/libraries

The following software have been updated on hexagon:

xt-mpt MPI
5.0.0 -> 5.0.1: Bug fixes

xt-libsci math lib
10.4.5 -> 10.4.6:
Bug fixes.
LibSci 10.4.6 includes new CRAFFT routines to compute
real-to-complex/complex-to-real distributed 3d FFTs of any size.
These routines are crafft_pd2z3d and crafft_pz2d3d. Also,
two routines, crafft_total_size_2d_r2c and crafft_total_size_3d_r2c,
were added to assist users in calculating the local size of
the distributed data on each process.
Users requiring more information on usage should see the
intro_crafft manpage.

xt-asyncpe compiler wrappers
Both the content and logic of driver script generated INFO messages is changed.
INFO messages are handled as additions to "verbose" output and do not display
1)the user specifies "-v",
2)the user specifies "-V" or
3)the user sets XTPE_INFO_MESSAGE_ON to some value.
Otherwise, beginning with xt-asyncpe 4.1.7
(release 4.1), the INFO messages are not displayed by default.

The old environment variable, XTPE_INFO_MESSAGE_OFF, which was
used to turn off INFO messages is deprecated at xt-asyncpe/4.1. A new
environment variable, XTPE_INFO_MESSAGE_ON, can be set to "something"
to make INFO messages display by default.

Modules -> Bug fixes

PGI compiler
10.5.0 -> 10.6.0: Bug fixes

Totalview debugger
8.8.0 -> 8.8.0a: Activate Replay Engine

1.0.2 -> 1.1.1
See /opt/chapel/1.1.1/CHANGES for more information

xt-craypat Performance Tools
5.0.1 -> 5.1.0

* PAPI has been updated to

* Beginning with the 5.1 release, CrayPat includes license check
support through the FLEXnet license server. Sites installing the 5.1
performance tools software will need to obtain and install a license key
before use.

* New imbalance calculation in Call Tree (imbalance for all functions
except for those represented by MPI collective sync time is calculated
as MAX-AVE, sync time is calculated as AVE - MIN)

* Support for the following predefined trace groups has been added:
aio (functions that perform asynchronous IO)
adios (Adaptable I/O System API)
armci (Aggregate Remote Memory Copy)
chapel (Chapel language compile and runtime library API)
dmapp (Distributed Memory Application API for Gemini)
ga (Global Array API)
pblas (Parallel Basic Linear Alegbra Subroutines)
petsc (Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation)
pgas (Parallel Global Address Space)
realtime (POSIX realtime extensions)

* Support for dynamically linked applications. Dynamically linked programs
can be instrumented and use all of the experiments and features that are
supported for statically linked programs.

* Back button in Cray Apprentice2 Call Tree display - accessed by right
clicking in the display background, allows the user to revert to previous
displays after filtering tree.

* Path to maximum load imbalance or "hot path" now highlighted in Cray
Apprentice2 Call Tree display

* Performance improvement to PE sort in Cray Apprentice2 Load Balance
display (off of Overview)

* Add program wallclock time added in Cray Apprentice2 caliper area for
files containing RTS data

* Faster load of initial data into Cray Apprentice2