The following software/libraries have been updated on Hexagon:
* Trilinos 10.0.0
Initial release of the Trilinos libraries.
New dynamic libraries for the Cray Compiler.
Add .so libraries for dynamic linking. No other code changes.
* MPT 4.0.1
Bug fixes.
* xt-asyncpe 3.6
Bug fixes.
* Intel Compilers 11.1.064
New release.
Features and Bug fixes in updates
Trilinos 10.0.0
Initial release of Trilinos by Cray Inc.
New MUMPS 4.9.2
Known Problems:
For the PETSc, netCDF, and HDF5 libraries:
The loading of programming environment modulefiles modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, so it can be used to determine the versions of dynamic shared libraries to be used by an executable at runtime. An open issue exists for some programming environment modulefiles in that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not updated accordingly if a PrgEnv modulefile is swapped from one compiler to another. For example:
$ module load PrgEnv-pgi
$ module load petsc
$ module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH will continue to point to the PGI version of the PETSc library instead of the expected GCC version of the PETSc library. The programming environment library modulefiles affected by this issue are: acml, hdf5, hdf5-parallel, netcdf, netcdf-hdf5parallel, petsc, and petsc-complex. Programming libraries that are loaded by the PrgEnv modulefile, such as xt-mpt and xt-libsci, are not affected by this issue.
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be correctly set by unloading and loading the programming library modulefile. For example:
$ module load PrgEnv-pgi
$ module load petsc
$ module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu
$ module unload petsc
$ module load petsc
The shared object library files are included in this package for use when dynamically linking applications. This is bug:
755718 .so files in fftw missing from both MOM nodes and login
MPT 4.0.1
Bugs Fixed in MPT 4.0.1:
755075 MPICH2 threads/comm/ctxdup.c fails with "Too many communicators" in vs 3.5.1"
755698 MPI_Allgatherv hangs when using thread-safety
*NOTE: will work after we update to CLE2.2 (Feb. 8th)
xt-asyncpe 3.6
Bugs fixed in the xt-asyncpe 3.6 update:
755715 trilinos module doesn't swap after PrgEnv-swap
Intel Compilers 11.1.064
New version