Hexagon emergency shutdown May 8th because of water leakage.

We have to shutdown Hexagon because of a major water leakage in our machine room. Shutdown at 14:20, May 8th.

Update 17:20: Due to a clog in the drainage system, sewage has been spilled under the computer floor. Because of the danger of short circuits we need to keep the system shutdown. Hexagon will probably not be started until Saturday at the earliest. The Fimm room is currently operational, but can be affected if sewage rises.

Update 19:30: The clog has now been removed. The sewage under the computer floor is currently being cleaned. Due to the humidity in the room, Hexagon will be down until the machine room is dry again.

Update 21:15: The computer room has now been cleaned. Hexagon will remain down until the floor is dry again.

Update May 9th 11:50: Hexagon is now started again. All jobs running at the time of the crash has to be resubmitted.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.