Several libraries have been updated on hexagon.
xt-mpt 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2
xt-libsci 10.3.2 -> 10.3.3
petsc 3.0.0 ->
hdf5 1.8.2 ->
netcdf_hdf5parallell 4.0 ->
netcdf 4.0 ->
xt-asyncpe 2.1 -> 2.3 (wrapper)
pgi 8.0.3 -> 8.0.4
MPI_Reduce has been optimized to be SMP aware and this optimization is
enabled by default. The SMP aware algorithm performs significantly better
than the default algorithm for most message sizes. Performance improvements of over 3x for message sizes below 128K have been observed. A new environment variable MPICH_REDUCE_LARGE_MSG can be used to adjust the cutoff for when this optimization is enabled. See the man page for more info.
- libGoto 1.29 includes moderate performance improvements in BLAS and LAPACK.
- CRAFFT1.1 (Cray Adaptive FFT) is a productivity enhancement for the efficient use of Fast Fourier transforms with little programming effort. CRAFFT 1.1 adds single precision support. See intro_crafft for a description of the double precision API. Replace the "z" and "d" in the double precision
routine names by "c" or "s" to use the single precision routines.
E.g.crafft_d2z1d in double precision would be crafft_s2c1d in single
The fftw/3.2.0 module must be loaded to use CRAFFT1.1. If the FFTW module is not loaded, then the user's link stage will fail with unresolved references to FFTW routines.
Prior to running a CRAFFT-linked executable, users must copy the correct
FFTW wisdom files into their current run directory. The wisdom files are
fftw_wisdom-3.2 for double precision and fftw_wisdom_single-3.2 for single
precision, and are found at the following location: /opt/xt-libsci/10.3.3/
Known problem:
Use of the '-fsecond-underscore' compiler option with pathscale compilers is needed. Failure to do so will result in a link error.