New and updated libraries on hexagon

The libsci library is updated to version 10.3.0 and includes optimizations and new libraries. Users are encouraged to recompile their applications to benefit from optimazation and bugfixes.

Description of new features in xt-libsci 10.3.0:

CRAFFT (Cray Adaptive FFT) is a new feature in libsci-10.3.0. CRAFFT uses
offline and online testing information to adaptively select the best FFT
algorithm from the available FFT options. CRAFFT provides a very simple
user interface into advanced FFT functionality and performance. Planning
and execution are combined into one call with CRAFFT. The library comes
packaged with pre-computed plans so that in many cases the planning stage
can be omitted. Please see the manual page intro_crafft for more information.

Usage note : for the most optimal usage of CRAFFT, please copy the file
/opt/xt-libsci/10.3.0/fftw_wisdom into the luster directory from which the
executable is run from.

LibGoto 1.26 includes enhanced BLAS performance. There are several libsci
library variants installed with the libsci-10.3.0 package.

To use threaded BLAS, the thread-enabled libsci library whose name is
suffixed with '_mp' should be linked explicitly

e.g. ftn -o myexec -lsci_quadcore_mp


Libsci-10.3 and fftw-3.1.1 are now dependent. If you wish to use fftw
version 2.1.5 then do the following

module swap fftw/3.1.1 fftw/