Online maintenance of filesystems

There is a currently ongoing maintenance on the /work2 filesystem. Since this is generating a general load on the IO-system - all IO (including e.g. "ls") will be slow to global filesystems - that is /work, /work2 and /home.

The time to complete this needed maintenance is uncertain, but could be another 2 days depending on the overall IO-load.

This maintenance will fix a configuration error that leads to a generally much slower IO-performance on the system. Since this involves moving ALL the data away from ALL the disks this will have to be done in stages. The current maintenance will take care of 1/3 of the storage-size.

Users is adviced to use the local /scratch partition on both the frontend node and compute node to get faster access to disk while the maintenance is ongoing. Remember that /scratch is only visible to the local node but can be copied to by using the /net/hostname/scratch path. For example, on a compute node:

mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/something
cd /scratch/$USER/something
tar zxf /net/fimm.local/$USER/something.tar.gz