Tag Archives: cyclone

Dear Cyclone and Grunch Users,

Our machine room at Thormøhlensgate 55 will have power outage during Friday 17 April 15:00 to Sunday 19. April 24:00.

There will be planned work to do maintenance for power line in the building.
Because of that maintenance, we have to take down all our servers at 15:00 Friday 17. April and hopefully we will take all servers online before 08:00 Monday 20. April.

cyclone and grunch server will be taken down and will not be accessible during this time.

/shared/ filesystem which is exported via leo.hpc.uib.no to the university campus will not be accessible during this time.

We advice all users to plan their work in good time to avoid unnecessary problems.

Update20:30_19.04.2020: Our downtime is over, cyclone and grunch is back online. 
Please contact us via hjelp.uib.no if you have any further questions.

Best Regards

Scientific computing team.