Update 23.05.2018 15:19 File system issues were solved and mounted back to both Hexagon and Grunch. Access to is reopened.

There is a scheduled downtime for Hexagon and /shared file system for Wednesday, 23rd of May. Scheduled downtime will start at 09:00 and we expect to have the systems back by 16:00, same day.

Our apologies for any inconvenience this downtime can give you.

Hexagon have accumulated a number of the hardware failures, which have to be fixed to ensure stable operations. Hexagon will be fully stopped and login nodes will not be accessible. We expect to finish in 4 hours.

We have also discovered a bug in our SLURM statistics, that will lead to that we will have to delete all jobs from the queue system during this downtime, including PENDING.

Our apologies for any inconvenience this downtime can give you.

Date: March 26
Timeslot: 9:00-13:00


  • 26.03.18 15:20 The machine is still down due to hardware issues. We are working on it. We will keep you updated.
  • 27.03.18 14:00 Hardware problems are fixed and access to the machine is reopened now.

Hexagon crashed today around 09:30, We are working on resolving the problem and taking up hexagon.

12:45 Update :  hexagon is up, but we have hardware problem with fileserver which is 
                             providing work file system.

PRACE Workshop: Programming and Optimizing the Intel Knights Landing
Manycore Processor, HPC2N, Umeå University, 2018-04-24/25

This two days workshop is arranged together with PRACE, and will have
instructors from Intel. The course focuses on programming and optimizing
the Intel Knights Landing Manycore Processor. It addresses the Intel(R) Xeon
Phi(TM), codenamed "Knights Landing (KNL)" architecture and how to best
use it efficiently.

While the focus is on the KNL, the methods are applicable to many other
architectures as well. The course is thus relevant to many different groups of
people, including HPC users and researchers who want to get as much as
possible out of their architecture. As well, the course is of interest for anyone
who wants to increase their knowledge about vectorization and optimization,
and learn more about how to apply it to their own codes.

Bring your laptop for the hands-on!

Lunch and coffee/tea will be provided.

Instructors: Mikko Byckling and Asma Farjallah from Intel.

Date: 24-25 April 2018.

Location: Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

Deadline for registration: 16 April 2018

More information and registration on the course website:

We will shutdown Hexagon for maintenance on January 3rd at 09:00 to continue on reconfiguration tasks. We are expecting to have Hexagon up again same day at around 16:00.

Update 2018-01-03 19:23:
  • Access to Hexagon is re-opened.
  • /work file system had to be reformatted. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience it might have caused.
  • /home storage area is increased and default quota is doubled from 10GB to 20GB for each user.