Hexagon has updates software/libraries.
MPT 5.2.3
- Correct handling of SHMEM locks at large core counts.
ATP 1.1.3
- When the Abnormal Termination Processing (ATP) signal handler recognizes that the application is running on a single core it does not initialize itself. ATP adds no value to single core applications. To take
advantage of this change, the application must be relinked.
- In previous versions of ATP, short running application that did not
fail could exit cleanly before that ATP was fully started which would result in atpFrontend processes hanging around indefinitely.
PGI 11.4.0
Features of PGI 11.4.0 are documented at: http://www.pgroup.com/doc/pgirn114.pdf
- 769940 pgcc-generated code for complex number operations inferior to Intel
GCC 4.5.3
- 768930 MANPATH for 'man gfortran' incorrect or 'old' version
- 769591 GNU OpenMP gfortran 4.5.2 internal compiler error for '!$omp task if(omp_get_num_threads() > 0)' [47886]
- 769876 Modulefile points to wrong location for man pages since v4.5.0
- 770495 PrgEnv-gnu does not set up correct man paths
- 770512 internal compiler error: in build_int_cst_wide, at tree.c:1178
- 771068 gcc module has the wrong manpath
- 771867 Incorrect MANPATH for gnu compiler man pages
Iobuf 2.0.2
IOBUF is an I/O buffering library that can reduce the I/O wait time for programs that read or write large files sequentially. IOBUF intercepts I/O system calls such as read and open and adds a layer of buffering, thus improving program performance by enabling asynchronous prefetching and caching of file data.
- BUG 771578 - iobuf module doesn't trap fwrite and fails when combined with posix
- BUG 772207 - Program not working when iobuf is being used
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updates software/libraries.
xt-mpt 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
Compilers, wrappers and debuggers
PGI 11.2.0 -> 11.3.0
Intel ->
Chapel 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
Totalview 8.8.0 -> 8.9.0
Java 1.6.0-22 -> 1.6.0-24
xt-libsci 10.5.01 -> 10.5.02
Bugs fixed in this release:
767853 Add error message for hitting request limit on Seastar instead
of segfault
LibSci 10.5.02 includes bugfixes.
Bug 769615 - scalapack routine pdsyev aborts when global matrix > sqrt (2^31)
The following bugs are fixed in the Intel release.
767152 ifort OpenMP atomic subtraction produces incorrect answers [611742]
Security update
xt-mpt 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2
Compilers, wrappers and debuggers
PGI 11.2.0 -> 11.3.0
Intel ->
Chapel 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
Totalview 8.8.0 -> 8.9.0
Java 1.6.0-22 -> 1.6.0-24
xt-libsci 10.5.01 -> 10.5.02
Bugs fixed in this release:
767853 Add error message for hitting request limit on Seastar instead
of segfault
LibSci 10.5.02 includes bugfixes.
Bug 769615 - scalapack routine pdsyev aborts when global matrix > sqrt (2^31)
The following bugs are fixed in the Intel release.
767152 ifort OpenMP atomic subtraction produces incorrect answers [611742]
Security update
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updated software/libraries. Users should recompile their applications to gain any stability or performance improvements.
xt-mpt 5.2.0 -> 5.2.1
Compilers, wrappers and debuggers
PGI 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
xt-asyncpe 4.8 -> 4.9
ATP 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
Petsc 3.1.04 -> 3.1.05
xt-libsci 10.5.0 -> 10.5.01
TPSL 1.0.0
767319, 768355 Fix adi reference counter problem for builtin datatypes
768385 Add better PMI debug for an ALPs get_rank_from_pipe failure
755921 Add PMI feature that gives SPMD support to DMAPP applications
767095 Add PMI feature to deliver rank and PID attribute file for debuggers
The LibSci 10.5.01 release adds new C++ interfaces for CRAFFT
providing users an option to use CRAFFT Serial and Distributed
Routines in C++ applications. These interfaces are provided via
C++ function overloading, allowing a user to call a simple, generic
CRAFFT routine name and use optional arguments for advanced
functionality if required. CRAFFT offers a simpler interface for
FFT routines to improve application developer productivity. In
some cases the performance of the CRAFFT distributed transforms
is 10-50% better than FFTW2 MPI transforms. Users requiring more
information on usage should see the intro_crafft manpage.
Also included in the LibSci 10.5.01 release are new generic
interfaces for C users of CASE. CASE is a collection of
simplified interfaces into LAPACK and ScaLAPACK style routines
introduced in LibSci 10.5.00 that solve the symmetric eigenproblem.
The generic interfaces are provided via C++ function overloading,
allowing a user to call a simple CASE routine name and use optional
arguments for advanced functionality if required. This simplifies
calling CASE from C, improving application developer productivity.
Refer to the 'intro_case' man page for more information.
Known Problems:
Bug 768141 slatms code seg faults with gnu and xtpe-mc12 loaded
When using CASE interfaces and compiling with gnu add
"-Wl,-whole-archive -lpthread -Wl,-no-whole-archive" to the
link line of your code. This fixes a known link issue with gcc.
Bug 767985 10.5.0 pgi libsci_quadcore_mp.so: undefined reference
to `pgf90_dealloc03'
The workaround is to use PGI 10.6.0 or higher
petsc/3.1.05 module now automatically loads the tpsl module
which includes Sundials2.4.0, Hypre 2.6.0b, SuperLU 4.0,
SuperLU_DIST 2.3, MUMPS 4.9.2, Parmetis 3.1.1 and Scotch 5.1.
PETSc 3.1.05 is not supported if the TPSL module is unloaded.
The Cray PETSc 3.1.05 is equivalent to the official
patch release of PETSc-3.1-p5 by Argonne National Laboratory.
TPSL(Third Party Scientific Libraries) contains a collection of
third party mathematical libraries for use with PETSc and Trilinos.
These libraries increase the flexibility of PETSc and Trilinos by
providing users with multiple options for solving problems in dense
and sparse linear algebra. The tpsl module is automatically loaded
when PETSc or Trilinos is loaded.
The libraries included are Hypre, SuperLU, SuperLU_dist, MUMPs,
ParMetis, Sundials, and Scotch.
* MUMPS 4.9.2. MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse
direct Solver) is a package of parallel, sparse, direct
linear-system solvers based on a multifrontal algorithm. For
further information, see http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/MUMPS/. MUMPS
can now interface with SCOTCH as well.
* SuperLU 4.0. SuperLU is a sequential version of SuperLU_dist
(not included with petsc-complex), and a sequential incomplete
LU preconditioner that can accelerate the convergence of Krylov
subspace iterative solvers. For further information, see
* SuperLU_dist 2.3. SuperLU_dist is a package of parallel,
sparse, direct linear-system solvers (available in Cray LibSci).
For further information, see
* ParMETIS 3.1.1. ParMETIS (Parallel Graph Partitioning and
Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering) is a library of routines that
partition unstructured graphs and meshes and compute fill-
reducing orderings of sparse matrices. For further information,
* HYPRE 2.6.0b. HYPRE is a library of high-performance
preconditioners that use parallel multigrid methods for both
structured and unstructured grid problems (not included with
petsc-complex). For further information, see
* SUNDIALS 2.4.0 (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic
equation Solvers) consists of 5 solvers: CVODE, CVODES, IDA,
IDAS, and KINSOL. In addition, SUNDIALS provides a MATLAB
interface to CVODES, IDAS, and KINSOL that is called sundialsTB.
For further information, see
* Scotch 5.1.1 Scotch is a software package and libraries for
sequential and parallel graph partitioning, static mapping,
sparse matrix block ordering, and sequential mesh and
hypergraph partitioning. For further information, see
The trilinos module is not supported with use of PGI/11. This is due to
an incompatibility in c++ code built with previous versions of PGI. For
more information on this incompatibility see the PGI manual at
http://www.pgroup.com/doc/pgiwsrn.pdf. The trilinos module is still
supported with the use of PGI 10.
- The ATP signal handler (contained in atpSigHandler.o)
is now compiled with position independent code (PIC).
Without this, linking it into shared, dynamic applications
was not possible.
- An ALPS bug can interact with ATP, causing compute nodes
to not free all of their resources during job exit. Such
nodes can become unusable. This is fixed in CLE 3.1 UP02.
However, ATP 1.1.2 has redundantly fixed this situation, for
the benefit of those who have not yet upgraded to CLE 3.1 UP02.
xt-mpt 5.2.0 -> 5.2.1
Compilers, wrappers and debuggers
PGI 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
xt-asyncpe 4.8 -> 4.9
ATP 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
Petsc 3.1.04 -> 3.1.05
xt-libsci 10.5.0 -> 10.5.01
TPSL 1.0.0
767319, 768355 Fix adi reference counter problem for builtin datatypes
768385 Add better PMI debug for an ALPs get_rank_from_pipe failure
755921 Add PMI feature that gives SPMD support to DMAPP applications
767095 Add PMI feature to deliver rank and PID attribute file for debuggers
The LibSci 10.5.01 release adds new C++ interfaces for CRAFFT
providing users an option to use CRAFFT Serial and Distributed
Routines in C++ applications. These interfaces are provided via
C++ function overloading, allowing a user to call a simple, generic
CRAFFT routine name and use optional arguments for advanced
functionality if required. CRAFFT offers a simpler interface for
FFT routines to improve application developer productivity. In
some cases the performance of the CRAFFT distributed transforms
is 10-50% better than FFTW2 MPI transforms. Users requiring more
information on usage should see the intro_crafft manpage.
Also included in the LibSci 10.5.01 release are new generic
interfaces for C users of CASE. CASE is a collection of
simplified interfaces into LAPACK and ScaLAPACK style routines
introduced in LibSci 10.5.00 that solve the symmetric eigenproblem.
The generic interfaces are provided via C++ function overloading,
allowing a user to call a simple CASE routine name and use optional
arguments for advanced functionality if required. This simplifies
calling CASE from C, improving application developer productivity.
Refer to the 'intro_case' man page for more information.
Known Problems:
Bug 768141 slatms code seg faults with gnu and xtpe-mc12 loaded
When using CASE interfaces and compiling with gnu add
"-Wl,-whole-archive -lpthread -Wl,-no-whole-archive" to the
link line of your code. This fixes a known link issue with gcc.
Bug 767985 10.5.0 pgi libsci_quadcore_mp.so: undefined reference
to `pgf90_dealloc03'
The workaround is to use PGI 10.6.0 or higher
petsc/3.1.05 module now automatically loads the tpsl module
which includes Sundials2.4.0, Hypre 2.6.0b, SuperLU 4.0,
SuperLU_DIST 2.3, MUMPS 4.9.2, Parmetis 3.1.1 and Scotch 5.1.
PETSc 3.1.05 is not supported if the TPSL module is unloaded.
The Cray PETSc 3.1.05 is equivalent to the official
patch release of PETSc-3.1-p5 by Argonne National Laboratory.
TPSL(Third Party Scientific Libraries) contains a collection of
third party mathematical libraries for use with PETSc and Trilinos.
These libraries increase the flexibility of PETSc and Trilinos by
providing users with multiple options for solving problems in dense
and sparse linear algebra. The tpsl module is automatically loaded
when PETSc or Trilinos is loaded.
The libraries included are Hypre, SuperLU, SuperLU_dist, MUMPs,
ParMetis, Sundials, and Scotch.
* MUMPS 4.9.2. MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse
direct Solver) is a package of parallel, sparse, direct
linear-system solvers based on a multifrontal algorithm. For
further information, see http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/MUMPS/. MUMPS
can now interface with SCOTCH as well.
* SuperLU 4.0. SuperLU is a sequential version of SuperLU_dist
(not included with petsc-complex), and a sequential incomplete
LU preconditioner that can accelerate the convergence of Krylov
subspace iterative solvers. For further information, see
* SuperLU_dist 2.3. SuperLU_dist is a package of parallel,
sparse, direct linear-system solvers (available in Cray LibSci).
For further information, see
* ParMETIS 3.1.1. ParMETIS (Parallel Graph Partitioning and
Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering) is a library of routines that
partition unstructured graphs and meshes and compute fill-
reducing orderings of sparse matrices. For further information,
* HYPRE 2.6.0b. HYPRE is a library of high-performance
preconditioners that use parallel multigrid methods for both
structured and unstructured grid problems (not included with
petsc-complex). For further information, see
* SUNDIALS 2.4.0 (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic
equation Solvers) consists of 5 solvers: CVODE, CVODES, IDA,
IDAS, and KINSOL. In addition, SUNDIALS provides a MATLAB
interface to CVODES, IDAS, and KINSOL that is called sundialsTB.
For further information, see
* Scotch 5.1.1 Scotch is a software package and libraries for
sequential and parallel graph partitioning, static mapping,
sparse matrix block ordering, and sequential mesh and
hypergraph partitioning. For further information, see
The trilinos module is not supported with use of PGI/11. This is due to
an incompatibility in c++ code built with previous versions of PGI. For
more information on this incompatibility see the PGI manual at
http://www.pgroup.com/doc/pgiwsrn.pdf. The trilinos module is still
supported with the use of PGI 10.
- The ATP signal handler (contained in atpSigHandler.o)
is now compiled with position independent code (PIC).
Without this, linking it into shared, dynamic applications
was not possible.
- An ALPS bug can interact with ATP, causing compute nodes
to not free all of their resources during job exit. Such
nodes can become unusable. This is fixed in CLE 3.1 UP02.
However, ATP 1.1.2 has redundantly fixed this situation, for
the benefit of those who have not yet upgraded to CLE 3.1 UP02.
Hexagon: Updated MOAB and Torque
MOAB has been updated to version 6. Quite noticeable performance improvement.
Torque update to version 2.4.13, mostly bugfixes.
Torque update to version 2.4.13, mostly bugfixes.
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updated software and libraries.
xt-mpt 5.1.4 -> 5.2.0
Compilers and wrappers
PGI 11.0.0 -> 11.1.0
Intel compiler ->
xt-asyncpe 4.7 -> 4.8
ATP 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
STAT 1.1.3 -> 1.1.2
GA 4.3.1 -> 4.3.3
The following features were added to MPT 5.2.0 over MPT 5.1.4:
- This new version is based on MPICH2 1.3a2 and includes numerous
fixes. It also includes some additional error checking. One class
of these errors involves the use of MPI_IN_PLACE. Some users may
find that using the MPICH_NO_BUFFER_ALIAS_CHECK environment
variable is a useful workaround until their application can be
corrected. See the intro_mpi man page for more information
concerning this environment variable.
In addition the following features were added in MPT updates since
the MPT 5.1.0 release and are also included:
- If a consistent ordering of the reduce operation is needed for
bitwise reproducibility, regardless of system configuration, two
new environment variables have been added to allow that. They are
further in the intro_mpi man page.
- Improvements to MPI-IO collective buffering.
- A check is now made during SHMEM initialization to detect
potential oversubscription of memory, and if detected, the
layout of the memory regions is printed. In addition, a new
environment variable, SHMEM_MEMINFO_DISPLAY, causes SHMEM to
display the layout even if oversubscription is not detected.
See the SHMEM_MEMINFO_DISPLAY environment variable in the
intro_shmem man page for more information.
Bugfix release:
768957 syntax error in /opt/cray/xt-asyncpe/4.7/bin/CC
768968 craype_hugepages2m and craype_hugepages8m are missing
Support for redesign of petsc and trilinos,
and addition of Third Party Solvers Library product,
(tpsl), which will support both petsc and trilinos.
To see more information and alternatives to using the hugepages
feature, look at the manpage "man intro_hugepages".
xt-mpt 5.1.4 -> 5.2.0
Compilers and wrappers
PGI 11.0.0 -> 11.1.0
Intel compiler ->
xt-asyncpe 4.7 -> 4.8
ATP 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
STAT 1.1.3 -> 1.1.2
GA 4.3.1 -> 4.3.3
The following features were added to MPT 5.2.0 over MPT 5.1.4:
- This new version is based on MPICH2 1.3a2 and includes numerous
fixes. It also includes some additional error checking. One class
of these errors involves the use of MPI_IN_PLACE. Some users may
find that using the MPICH_NO_BUFFER_ALIAS_CHECK environment
variable is a useful workaround until their application can be
corrected. See the intro_mpi man page for more information
concerning this environment variable.
In addition the following features were added in MPT updates since
the MPT 5.1.0 release and are also included:
- If a consistent ordering of the reduce operation is needed for
bitwise reproducibility, regardless of system configuration, two
new environment variables have been added to allow that. They are
further in the intro_mpi man page.
- Improvements to MPI-IO collective buffering.
- A check is now made during SHMEM initialization to detect
potential oversubscription of memory, and if detected, the
layout of the memory regions is printed. In addition, a new
environment variable, SHMEM_MEMINFO_DISPLAY, causes SHMEM to
display the layout even if oversubscription is not detected.
See the SHMEM_MEMINFO_DISPLAY environment variable in the
intro_shmem man page for more information.
Bugfix release:
768957 syntax error in /opt/cray/xt-asyncpe/4.7/bin/CC
768968 craype_hugepages2m and craype_hugepages8m are missing
Support for redesign of petsc and trilinos,
and addition of Third Party Solvers Library product,
(tpsl), which will support both petsc and trilinos.
To see more information and alternatives to using the hugepages
feature, look at the manpage "man intro_hugepages".
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updated software and libraries. Users should recompile to gain stability and performance improvements.
xt-mpt 5.1.3 -> 5.1.4
Compilers and wrappers
PGI 10.8 -> 11.0
GCC 4.5.1 -> 4.5.2
GDB 7.2
Intel ->
xt-asyncpe 4.6 -> 4.7
IOBUF 2.0.1 NEW!
Trilinos 10.6.0 ->
IOBUF is an I/O buffering library that can reduce the I/O wait time for
programs that read or write large files sequentially. IOBUF
intercepts I/O
system calls such as read and open and adds a layer of buffering, thus
improving program performance by enabling asynchronous prefetching and
caching of file data.
Bug fixes.
Bug fix release.
These bugs were fixed in this update:
766700 acmlwltime.c:(.text+0x43): undefined reference to
767856 Create a module for Sandy Bridge processors
767863 Provide one or more modules to support and simplify the use of
huge pages
768025 error with PGI compiler and -mp option
768367 add CRAY/lib/72 to Trilinos search path
Add two modules to support hugepages settings: craype-hugepages2m
To see more information and alternatives to using the hugepages
feature, look at the manpage "man intro_hugepages".
Loading either of these modules is sufficient to use the feature.
Trilinos includes several bug fixes and performance
improvement for GNU, Intel and CCE7.3 compilers.
Product and OS Dependencies:
xt-asyncpe 4.7 or later
xt-libsci 10.5.1 or later
petsc-3.1.04 or later
PGI 10.0.0 or later
CCE 7.2 or later
Known Problems:
Bug 765876 - Compilation failure of Trilinos-10.6 testers with PGI
Due to several template handling problems of PGI C++ compiler, PGI
compiler users might have link-time or run-time errors when using
relatively new capabilities based on C++ template such as Tpetra and
Teuchos packages.
As a workaround, we recommend using another compiler environment:
GNU, Cray and Intel instead of PGI or avoid using these new
Bug 768373 - Need dynamic libraries support for Trilinos
Trilinos does not support dynamic libraries, this
support will be available in a future release.
The following bugs are fixed in the gcc 4.5.2 release.
764595 GNU gfortran OpenMP - internal error - in extract_omp_for_data,
at omp-low.c:335 [46753]
Features of PGI 11.0.0 are documented at:
The following bugs are fixed in the PGI 11.0.0 release.
DATA [TPR 3962]
750947 Internal compiler error for out-of-order declaration
(PARAMETER statement) [15979]
755877 Upgrade to pgi/9.0.4 from 9.0.3 causes user code to segfault
759473 code segfaults when compiled with higher optimization levels
761988 user code segfaults when compiled with pgi 10.x
762496 PGI pgf90 OpenMP - incorrect output for test that should be
rejected at compile time [17297]
763483 ICE on PGI redimension statement [17177]
766531 PGI bug problem report (TPR#17335) submitted to PGI by User
766619 sched.h has no macros to guard against multiple
inclusion[TPR 17432]
767221 -i8 option results in wrong iostat= values [17431]
xt-mpt 5.1.3 -> 5.1.4
Compilers and wrappers
PGI 10.8 -> 11.0
GCC 4.5.1 -> 4.5.2
GDB 7.2
Intel ->
xt-asyncpe 4.6 -> 4.7
IOBUF 2.0.1 NEW!
Trilinos 10.6.0 ->
IOBUF is an I/O buffering library that can reduce the I/O wait time for
programs that read or write large files sequentially. IOBUF
intercepts I/O
system calls such as read and open and adds a layer of buffering, thus
improving program performance by enabling asynchronous prefetching and
caching of file data.
Bug fixes.
Bug fix release.
These bugs were fixed in this update:
766700 acmlwltime.c:(.text+0x43): undefined reference to
767856 Create a module for Sandy Bridge processors
767863 Provide one or more modules to support and simplify the use of
huge pages
768025 error with PGI compiler and -mp option
768367 add CRAY/lib/72 to Trilinos search path
Add two modules to support hugepages settings: craype-hugepages2m
To see more information and alternatives to using the hugepages
feature, look at the manpage "man intro_hugepages".
Loading either of these modules is sufficient to use the feature.
Trilinos includes several bug fixes and performance
improvement for GNU, Intel and CCE7.3 compilers.
Product and OS Dependencies:
xt-asyncpe 4.7 or later
xt-libsci 10.5.1 or later
petsc-3.1.04 or later
PGI 10.0.0 or later
CCE 7.2 or later
Known Problems:
Bug 765876 - Compilation failure of Trilinos-10.6 testers with PGI
Due to several template handling problems of PGI C++ compiler, PGI
compiler users might have link-time or run-time errors when using
relatively new capabilities based on C++ template such as Tpetra and
Teuchos packages.
As a workaround, we recommend using another compiler environment:
GNU, Cray and Intel instead of PGI or avoid using these new
Bug 768373 - Need dynamic libraries support for Trilinos
Trilinos does not support dynamic libraries, this
support will be available in a future release.
The following bugs are fixed in the gcc 4.5.2 release.
764595 GNU gfortran OpenMP - internal error - in extract_omp_for_data,
at omp-low.c:335 [46753]
Features of PGI 11.0.0 are documented at:
The following bugs are fixed in the PGI 11.0.0 release.
DATA [TPR 3962]
750947 Internal compiler error for out-of-order declaration
(PARAMETER statement) [15979]
755877 Upgrade to pgi/9.0.4 from 9.0.3 causes user code to segfault
759473 code segfaults when compiled with higher optimization levels
761988 user code segfaults when compiled with pgi 10.x
762496 PGI pgf90 OpenMP - incorrect output for test that should be
rejected at compile time [17297]
763483 ICE on PGI redimension statement [17177]
766531 PGI bug problem report (TPR#17335) submitted to PGI by User
766619 sched.h has no macros to guard against multiple
inclusion[TPR 17432]
767221 -i8 option results in wrong iostat= values [17431]
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updated software/libraries. Users should recompile their application to gain new features and updates.
xt-mpt 5.1.2 -> 5.1.3
Compilers and debugging
xt-asyncpe 4.5 -> 4.6
Intel compiler 11.1.073 -> 12.0.084
Chapel 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
ATP 1.0.3 -> 1.1.0
STAT 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
Performance tools and Math libs
xt-craypat/apprentice2 5.1.2 -> 5.1.3
xt-libsci 10.4.9 -> 10.5.0
The following features were added to MPT 5.1.3:
- Improvements to MPI-IO collective buffering.
Abnormal Termination Processing (ATP) is a system that monitors Cray XT
System user applications, and should an application take a system trap,
ATP performs analysis on the dying application. With release 1.1 all of
the stack backtraces of the application processes are gathered into a
merged stack backtrace tree and written to disk as the file
"atpMergedBT.dot". The stack backtrace for the first process to die is
sent to stderr as is the number of the signal that caused the death.
atpMergedBT.dot can be viewed with 'statview', a component of the STAT
package (module load stat). The merged stack backtrace tree provides
a concise, yet comprehensive, view of what the application was doing at
the time of its death.
Further information on ATP can found in the intro_atp man page.
Release notes for release 1.1.0
- ATP is now automatically linked in to user applications
and automatically initialized. That is, users do not need
to modify their source code nor their link line (and, in
fact, should not). One must use the Cray compiler drivers
(cc, CC, ftn) to achieve this.
In order for this to occur one must do all of the following:
o have the module atp/1.1.0 or greater loaded (which
is automatically done by the latest PrgEnv modules)
o use the Cray compiler drivers when linking
o relink your application
- It is now necessary to overtly define the environment variable
'ATP_ENABLED' so that the running of an application gets ATP
- ATP will now perform its analysis in the event of the
queuing system aborting the job due to the wall clock
expiring. Note that the amount of time between when the
queuing system signals the that wall clock has expired
and when the queuing system SIGKILLs the job is
something that sites can customize. If sufficient time
is not configured, this feature may not be able to
complete its task. Thirty seconds is typically more than
- The environment variable ATP_HOLD_TIME can be used to
define the number of minutes that ATP should hold a dying
application in stasis so that it can be attached via
a debugger.
- ATP is now willing to collect data, even if some nodes
have stopped responding. Since such a system is clearly
sick in some manner, this may not always be successful.
- Fixed a memory corruption bug that could cause various,
- ATP no longer needs be installed on a cross mounted location
The following features were added to LibSci 10.5.0:
* Now includes CASE, a collection of simplified interfaces into high
performance LAPACK and ScaLAPACK style routines that find the
and eigenvectors of a symmetric or hermitian matrix. CASE is
written in
Fortran but has interfaces for C users as well. CASE is provided for
serial or parallel problems, with real or complex data types and
or double precision. It has generic interfaces callable from
Fortran and
specific interfaces callable from Fortran or C. See the
'intro_case' man
page for more information.
The LibSci 10.5.0 release adds new interfaces for CRAFFT providing
an option to use CRAFFT Serial and Distributed Routines in C
CRAFFT offers a simpler interface for FFT routines to improve
developer productivity. In some cases the performance of the CRAFFT
distributed transforms is 10-50% better than FFTW2 MPI transforms.
requiring more information on usage should see the intro_crafft
man page.
Eliminate the need to have the STAT daemon installed on the lustre
file system.
Perftools (craypat/apprentice2)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The perftools modulefile needs to be loaded,
otherwise the
following error will occur if a user attempts to load craypat or
ERROR: xt-craypat and apprentice2 have been merged into one module
called perftools.
Please run the following to load perftools:
module unload xt-craypat apprentice2
module load perftools
* UPC and CAF require CCE version 7.2.7 or later (see bug 763219)
* update the following trace groups: adios, dmapp, hdf5, netcdf,
petsc, pgas, pthreads, upc
* allow tracing of functions defined as WEAK (bug 764102)
* add new directives to control addsym utility features
* improve tracing functions that have aggregates as formal parameters
(bug 764058)
* now shows inclusive loop times from CCE -hprofile_generate option
xt-mpt 5.1.2 -> 5.1.3
Compilers and debugging
xt-asyncpe 4.5 -> 4.6
Intel compiler 11.1.073 -> 12.0.084
Chapel 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
ATP 1.0.3 -> 1.1.0
STAT 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
Performance tools and Math libs
xt-craypat/apprentice2 5.1.2 -> 5.1.3
xt-libsci 10.4.9 -> 10.5.0
The following features were added to MPT 5.1.3:
- Improvements to MPI-IO collective buffering.
Abnormal Termination Processing (ATP) is a system that monitors Cray XT
System user applications, and should an application take a system trap,
ATP performs analysis on the dying application. With release 1.1 all of
the stack backtraces of the application processes are gathered into a
merged stack backtrace tree and written to disk as the file
"atpMergedBT.dot". The stack backtrace for the first process to die is
sent to stderr as is the number of the signal that caused the death.
atpMergedBT.dot can be viewed with 'statview', a component of the STAT
package (module load stat). The merged stack backtrace tree provides
a concise, yet comprehensive, view of what the application was doing at
the time of its death.
Further information on ATP can found in the intro_atp man page.
Release notes for release 1.1.0
- ATP is now automatically linked in to user applications
and automatically initialized. That is, users do not need
to modify their source code nor their link line (and, in
fact, should not). One must use the Cray compiler drivers
(cc, CC, ftn) to achieve this.
In order for this to occur one must do all of the following:
o have the module atp/1.1.0 or greater loaded (which
is automatically done by the latest PrgEnv modules)
o use the Cray compiler drivers when linking
o relink your application
- It is now necessary to overtly define the environment variable
'ATP_ENABLED' so that the running of an application gets ATP
- ATP will now perform its analysis in the event of the
queuing system aborting the job due to the wall clock
expiring. Note that the amount of time between when the
queuing system signals the that wall clock has expired
and when the queuing system SIGKILLs the job is
something that sites can customize. If sufficient time
is not configured, this feature may not be able to
complete its task. Thirty seconds is typically more than
- The environment variable ATP_HOLD_TIME can be used to
define the number of minutes that ATP should hold a dying
application in stasis so that it can be attached via
a debugger.
- ATP is now willing to collect data, even if some nodes
have stopped responding. Since such a system is clearly
sick in some manner, this may not always be successful.
- Fixed a memory corruption bug that could cause various,
- ATP no longer needs be installed on a cross mounted location
The following features were added to LibSci 10.5.0:
* Now includes CASE, a collection of simplified interfaces into high
performance LAPACK and ScaLAPACK style routines that find the
and eigenvectors of a symmetric or hermitian matrix. CASE is
written in
Fortran but has interfaces for C users as well. CASE is provided for
serial or parallel problems, with real or complex data types and
or double precision. It has generic interfaces callable from
Fortran and
specific interfaces callable from Fortran or C. See the
'intro_case' man
page for more information.
The LibSci 10.5.0 release adds new interfaces for CRAFFT providing
an option to use CRAFFT Serial and Distributed Routines in C
CRAFFT offers a simpler interface for FFT routines to improve
developer productivity. In some cases the performance of the CRAFFT
distributed transforms is 10-50% better than FFTW2 MPI transforms.
requiring more information on usage should see the intro_crafft
man page.
Eliminate the need to have the STAT daemon installed on the lustre
file system.
Perftools (craypat/apprentice2)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The perftools modulefile needs to be loaded,
otherwise the
following error will occur if a user attempts to load craypat or
ERROR: xt-craypat and apprentice2 have been merged into one module
called perftools.
Please run the following to load perftools:
module unload xt-craypat apprentice2
module load perftools
* UPC and CAF require CCE version 7.2.7 or later (see bug 763219)
* update the following trace groups: adios, dmapp, hdf5, netcdf,
petsc, pgas, pthreads, upc
* allow tracing of functions defined as WEAK (bug 764102)
* add new directives to control addsym utility features
* improve tracing functions that have aggregates as formal parameters
(bug 764058)
* now shows inclusive loop times from CCE -hprofile_generate option
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updated software/libraries.
MPI / compilers
xt-mpt 5.1.1 -> 5.1.2
xt-asyncpe 4.4 -> 4.5
Math libraries
xt-libsci 10.4.8 -> 10.4.9
PETSc 3.1.03 -> 3.1.04
Trilinos 10.2.0 -> 10.6.0
libfast 1.0.7 -> 1.0.8
Bugs fixed in this release:
744483 linux ayncpe drivers fail to handle verbose flag correctly
for GNU and PGI
750934 On a CADE system, using only the '-V' option does not pass
target option
754620 cc -help does not give individual compiler options.
758200 cc -V and ftn -V no longer work properly
765639 compiling w/ -Bdynamic (icc) requires PrgEnv-intel at
run time.
765956 pgi compiler wrapper with xt-libsci/10.4.8 has no openmp
765957 CPR - "-l mpich_cpr" could be added by a module.
765991 The CC driver is not setting the proper -hcpu type.
766162 Change lib search path for trilinos 10.6.
766779 xtpe-mc8 module missing istanbul_mp setting
766805 Intel compiler problem with Trilinos-10.6
766847 PrgEnv-cray needs to point to Trilinos built by GCC/4.4
Beginning with xt-asyncpe 4.4, the f77 script for pgi is now
aliased to
ftn. In a future release, it will be removed altogether.
The following features were added to Libsci 10.4.9:
- Now includes new explicit entry-points for faster complex linear
solvers using the 3m algorithm for complex matrix-matrix
The faster matrix multiplication can also be used without code
modification by setting an environment variable LIBSCI_USE_3M in
the job
execution script. Note that in previous libsci versions this
algorithm was
used by default, and therefore users may require setting the
to obtain previous performance levels. This affects the LAPACK driver
routines ZPOSV, CPOSV, ZGESV, CGESV and LAPACK factorization routines
ZPOTRF, CPOTRF, ZGETRF, CGETRF. See the intro_lapack man page for
PETSc-3.1.04 includes new Cray Adaptive Sparse Kernels (CASK) for
triangular solution that allows further performance improvement for
very sparse matrices. This module is equivalent to the official
version of PETSc-3.1 with patch level 5 that include several
bug fixes.
Product and OS Dependencies:
xt-asyncpe 4.4
xt-libsci 10.4.9 or later
MPT 5.0.2 or later for gcc 4.5 support
PETSc 3.1.04 is not supported with the PathScale compiler.
Trilinos-10.6 includes many new features and bug fixes. Detailed
information is available at:
Cray Trilinos provides 33 packages. Please see the man page,
intro_trilinos for the package names and descriptions.
Cray's Epetra package introduces the new version of Cray Adaptive
Sparse Kernels (CASK), including improved multiple-vector sparse
matrix vector multiplication and triangular solution kernels. These
kernels improve the performance of the operations with very sparse
Cray's Amesos package provides an interface to the sparse direct
solvers from SuperLU-4.0, SuperLU_DIST-2.3 and MUMPS-4.9.2 available
in the Cray petsc module. Cray's Zoltan package provides interface
to ParMetis-3.1.1 in Cray petsc module. These interfaces allow
users to call these popular sparse matrix and graph partitioning
packages with ease and interoperate with the other packages of
Product and OS Dependencies:
xt-asyncpe 4.5 or later
xt-libsci 10.4.9 or later
petsc-3.1.04 or later
PGI 10.0.0 or later
Known Problems:
Due to several template handling problems of PGI C++ compiler, PGI
users might have link-time or run-time errors when using relatively new
capabilities based on C++ template such as Tpetra and Teuchos packages.
As a workaround, we recommend using another compiler environment: Cray,
GNU or Intel instead of PGI or avoid using these new capabilities.
To avoid link-time problems due to a missing libstdc++.a library, a gcc
module needs to be loaded. Please load gcc version 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4
module load PrgEnv-intel
module load petsc
module load trilinos
module load gcc/4.2.3
References and API guide are available at
To see descriptions of each individual Trilinos package, go to
Fastmv 1.0.8 extends the domain of the sin, sincos and cos intrinsics to
all finite reals.
MPI / compilers
xt-mpt 5.1.1 -> 5.1.2
xt-asyncpe 4.4 -> 4.5
Math libraries
xt-libsci 10.4.8 -> 10.4.9
PETSc 3.1.03 -> 3.1.04
Trilinos 10.2.0 -> 10.6.0
libfast 1.0.7 -> 1.0.8
Bugs fixed in this release:
744483 linux ayncpe drivers fail to handle verbose flag correctly
for GNU and PGI
750934 On a CADE system, using only the '-V' option does not pass
target option
754620 cc -help does not give individual compiler options.
758200 cc -V and ftn -V no longer work properly
765639 compiling w/ -Bdynamic (icc) requires PrgEnv-intel at
run time.
765956 pgi compiler wrapper with xt-libsci/10.4.8 has no openmp
765957 CPR - "-l mpich_cpr" could be added by a module.
765991 The CC driver is not setting the proper -hcpu type.
766162 Change lib search path for trilinos 10.6.
766779 xtpe-mc8 module missing istanbul_mp setting
766805 Intel compiler problem with Trilinos-10.6
766847 PrgEnv-cray needs to point to Trilinos built by GCC/4.4
Beginning with xt-asyncpe 4.4, the f77 script for pgi is now
aliased to
ftn. In a future release, it will be removed altogether.
The following features were added to Libsci 10.4.9:
- Now includes new explicit entry-points for faster complex linear
solvers using the 3m algorithm for complex matrix-matrix
The faster matrix multiplication can also be used without code
modification by setting an environment variable LIBSCI_USE_3M in
the job
execution script. Note that in previous libsci versions this
algorithm was
used by default, and therefore users may require setting the
to obtain previous performance levels. This affects the LAPACK driver
routines ZPOSV, CPOSV, ZGESV, CGESV and LAPACK factorization routines
ZPOTRF, CPOTRF, ZGETRF, CGETRF. See the intro_lapack man page for
PETSc-3.1.04 includes new Cray Adaptive Sparse Kernels (CASK) for
triangular solution that allows further performance improvement for
very sparse matrices. This module is equivalent to the official
version of PETSc-3.1 with patch level 5 that include several
bug fixes.
Product and OS Dependencies:
xt-asyncpe 4.4
xt-libsci 10.4.9 or later
MPT 5.0.2 or later for gcc 4.5 support
PETSc 3.1.04 is not supported with the PathScale compiler.
Trilinos-10.6 includes many new features and bug fixes. Detailed
information is available at:
Cray Trilinos provides 33 packages. Please see the man page,
intro_trilinos for the package names and descriptions.
Cray's Epetra package introduces the new version of Cray Adaptive
Sparse Kernels (CASK), including improved multiple-vector sparse
matrix vector multiplication and triangular solution kernels. These
kernels improve the performance of the operations with very sparse
Cray's Amesos package provides an interface to the sparse direct
solvers from SuperLU-4.0, SuperLU_DIST-2.3 and MUMPS-4.9.2 available
in the Cray petsc module. Cray's Zoltan package provides interface
to ParMetis-3.1.1 in Cray petsc module. These interfaces allow
users to call these popular sparse matrix and graph partitioning
packages with ease and interoperate with the other packages of
Product and OS Dependencies:
xt-asyncpe 4.5 or later
xt-libsci 10.4.9 or later
petsc-3.1.04 or later
PGI 10.0.0 or later
Known Problems:
Due to several template handling problems of PGI C++ compiler, PGI
users might have link-time or run-time errors when using relatively new
capabilities based on C++ template such as Tpetra and Teuchos packages.
As a workaround, we recommend using another compiler environment: Cray,
GNU or Intel instead of PGI or avoid using these new capabilities.
To avoid link-time problems due to a missing libstdc++.a library, a gcc
module needs to be loaded. Please load gcc version 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4
module load PrgEnv-intel
module load petsc
module load trilinos
module load gcc/4.2.3
References and API guide are available at
To see descriptions of each individual Trilinos package, go to
Fastmv 1.0.8 extends the domain of the sin, sincos and cos intrinsics to
all finite reals.
Hexagon: Updated software/libraries
Hexagon has updated software and libraries. To get the performance and stability improvements the applications needs to be recompiled.
xt-mpt 5.1.0 -> 5.1.1
PGI 10.8.0 -> 10.9.0
chapel 1.1.1 -> 1.2.0
xt-asyncpe 4.3 -> 4.4
stat 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
Scientific libraries
PETSc 3.1.02 -> 3.1.03
- New SHMEM environment variable, SHMEM_MEMINFO_DISPLAY, to
display the layout of the SHMEM memory regions.
Several bugs were also fixed in this release and are listed below.
742474,744363,754252,763505,764480 - Prevent attempted
of memory during shmem_init() on XT systems
765571, 760251, 761685 - compiler warning about gethostbyname
for all MPI programs
Bugs fixed in this release:
747448 f77 command for PGI should be deprecated
759747 Add LIBSCI_X86_64 variable for cce PE testing
762235 Intel ftn ld -openmp vs xtpe-barcelona for libsci library
- mult
def libifcore.a & libifcoremt.a
764431 Left over (-p acml) failures from the EDG-MERGE with both
ftn and cc
764491 Add accelerator targeting module
764504 linux-f77 script tries to link in seastar libraries on XE
764942 Legal C++ code fails with multiple instance error on esLogin
765602 xt-asyncpe module should define -D__x86_64__ when
PrgEnv-gnu is
Beginning with xt-asyncpe 4.4, the f77 script for pgi is now aliased to ftn. In a future release, it will be removed altogether.
PETSc-3.1.03 module includes ParMetis-3.1.1 library, which can be
through PETSc's API. The Cray PETSc-3.1.03 is equivalent to the
patch release of PETSc-3.1-p4 by Argonne National Laboratory, and
users to install SLEPc-3.1 package (an eigenvalue solver package from
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia).
Bugs fixed in this release:
763837 petsc-complex will not link -dynamic
Features of PGI 10.9.0 are documented at:
The following bugs are fixed in the PGI 10.9.0 release.
763009 pgcc -O3 PGC-S-0000-Internal compiler error [TPR 17173]
763428 cc20 option on -ta=nvidia causes error [17191]
764082 PGI internal compiler error with COPYIN and THREADPRIVATE
clause [17213]
xt-mpt 5.1.0 -> 5.1.1
PGI 10.8.0 -> 10.9.0
chapel 1.1.1 -> 1.2.0
xt-asyncpe 4.3 -> 4.4
stat 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
Scientific libraries
PETSc 3.1.02 -> 3.1.03
- New SHMEM environment variable, SHMEM_MEMINFO_DISPLAY, to
display the layout of the SHMEM memory regions.
Several bugs were also fixed in this release and are listed below.
742474,744363,754252,763505,764480 - Prevent attempted
of memory during shmem_init() on XT systems
765571, 760251, 761685 - compiler warning about gethostbyname
for all MPI programs
Bugs fixed in this release:
747448 f77 command for PGI should be deprecated
759747 Add LIBSCI_X86_64 variable for cce PE testing
762235 Intel ftn ld -openmp vs xtpe-barcelona for libsci library
- mult
def libifcore.a & libifcoremt.a
764431 Left over (-p acml) failures from the EDG-MERGE with both
ftn and cc
764491 Add accelerator targeting module
764504 linux-f77 script tries to link in seastar libraries on XE
764942 Legal C++ code fails with multiple instance error on esLogin
765602 xt-asyncpe module should define -D__x86_64__ when
PrgEnv-gnu is
Beginning with xt-asyncpe 4.4, the f77 script for pgi is now aliased to ftn. In a future release, it will be removed altogether.
PETSc-3.1.03 module includes ParMetis-3.1.1 library, which can be
through PETSc's API. The Cray PETSc-3.1.03 is equivalent to the
patch release of PETSc-3.1-p4 by Argonne National Laboratory, and
users to install SLEPc-3.1 package (an eigenvalue solver package from
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia).
Bugs fixed in this release:
763837 petsc-complex will not link -dynamic
Features of PGI 10.9.0 are documented at:
The following bugs are fixed in the PGI 10.9.0 release.
763009 pgcc -O3 PGC-S-0000-Internal compiler error [TPR 17173]
763428 cc20 option on -ta=nvidia causes error [17191]
764082 PGI internal compiler error with COPYIN and THREADPRIVATE
clause [17213]
Hexagon: new cost command
New cost command is available on hexagon. The new command conforms with the NOTUR standard and has the same basic functionality as on the other NOTUR resources.
cost - will show your used CPU hours for the current allocation period.
cost -p - will show total used CPU hours of your connected projects.
cost -P - will show report for another allocation period.
Reference: http://www.bccs.uni.no/hpcdoc/Job_execution_(Hexagon)#Cost_command
cost - will show your used CPU hours for the current allocation period.
cost -p - will show total used CPU hours of your connected projects.
cost -P - will show report for another allocation period.
Reference: http://www.bccs.uni.no/hpcdoc/Job_execution_(Hexagon)#Cost_command