Early on March 26th hexagon will be shutdown for the initial quad-core upgrade. We hope to be able to have parts of the machine up while the second half is upgraded. It will nevertheless mean that the entire machine will be taken down first, before being booted to a smaller size.The physical upgrade will probably take three days. There will then be some more days with tuning and reconfiguring.
One very important part of this is that ALL programs and libraries will have to be re-compiled when hexagon is booted up after the finished upgrade.
Wednesday, 09:00: Upgrade has started. Machine is now down for a while for diagnostics.
Wednesday, 12:30: Half of the machine is now running again, while the other half is being upgraded to quad-core. We expect to take the entire machine down Friday morning. Please consider the machine to be in testing state, so unannounced downtime might occure.
Wednesday, 16:45: The upgrade is ahead of schedule, therefore the machine will be taken down tomorrow around 10am.
Thursday, 12:00: Two racks are now running, which will run till tomorrow morning, Friday 28th, and then the entire machine will be shutdown at 8am. The machine will then stay down untill, at least, Monday.
Friday, 08:00: Hardware part of upgrade is now finished. The machine is now unavailable until the software, diagnostics and testing has finished.
Saturday, 17:00: Main part of software upgrade is finished. The machine is running, but is unavailable due to testing.
Tuesday, April the 1st, 18:00: Hexagon is now available again, see http://www.parallaw.uib.no/syslog/153 for more details.