There will be a planned maintenance on hexagon for software upgrade on Monday June 16th starting at 14:00 and expected to last approximately 3 hours.
The Cray software release will be upgraded from 2.0.44 to 2.0.53.
This release will have more quad-core optimizations as well as a new version of the MPI library. We therefore recommend that you recompile your programs and libraries after the upgrade. We will notify when we have re-compiled the libraries/modules installed by us.
Update 16th, 14:40 System taken down.
Update 16th, 19:30 System back online with version 2.0.53 and MPT 3.0
Look for update on when we have re-compiled libraries:
All compute-node (cnl) software has been re-compiled.
Most login node software has been recompiled, except GNUPLOT.
UPC is not re-compiled yet.