Several libraries and compilers have been updated on Hexagon.
xt-mpt 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3
Math libs:
xt-libsci 10.4.2 -> 10.4.3
PETSc ->
libfast 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7
PGI 10.2.0 -> 10.3.0
Intel 11.1.064 -> 11.1.069
The algorithms used for shmem_set_lock and shmem_clear_lock have been improved for much better scaling. In a basic test of calls to set_lock and clear_lock by a set of PEs all competing for the same lock, MPT 4.0.2 and MPT 4.0.3 perform about the same for a few nodes, but beyond just a few, the time per PE for MPT 4.0.2 steadily increases with the number of PEs whereas the time per PE for MPT 4.0.3 stays level. At just 128 PEs, MPT 4.0.3 is about 4 times faster than MPT 4.0.2 and the difference keeps increasing. In addition, the new algorithm grants the lock in the same order as the lock was requested whereas with the old algorithm it was somewhat random which PE waiting for the lock would get it next.
Bugs fix in Libsci 10.4.3 release
757748 LIBSCI - */lib/ missing for all compilers.
757785 libsci_m12.a missing in gnu/lib/44 and gnu/lib/43 formats
757821 Libsci 10.4.2 is not compatible with PGI 9.0 and earlier
This release of libfast_mv 1.0.7 contains two new routines
* frda_sqrt(), an array version of the square root function, sqrt();
* frda_rsqrt(), an array version of the inverse square root function, 1/sqrt().
New hypre-2.6.0b
The following bugs are fixed in the PGI 10.3.0 release.
754306 pgcc compiling #include with -Xa compiler option yields 968 lines of error messages [TPR 16276]
754847 SLES 11 missing macro def for __CPU_ISSET [TPR 16594]
755699 PGI pgf90 OpenMP doesn't issue message for missing SAVE attribute for var in THREADPRIVATE [16504]
756213 On XT the PGI (10.0.0) compiler fails with 'asm' instruction in [TPR 16620]
756425 PGF90-F-0000-Internal compiler error. [16527]
757047 PGI OpenMP pgf90 should give msg if ALLOCATABLE array in THREADPRIVATE doesn't have SAVE attribute [16504]
757169 PGI OpenMP pgf90 ignores task to create a file when task appears in sequential part of program [16602]
757662 PGI 10.2.0 incompatible with glibc >=2.7 CPU_SET [TPR 16594]