Hexagon: slow IO on login nodes

Most of the login nodes are having high disk (IO) load currently mostly due to copying process going on.

You can find less busy nodes by the following workaround:

 module load pdsh
 pdsh -w login[1-5] uptime
login2: 11:05am up 14 days 19:06, 18 users, load average: 4.62, 4.55, 3.98
login3: 11:05am up 14 days 19:06, 7 users, load average: 2.47, 2.96, 2.89
login1: 11:05am up 14 days 19:06, 9 users, load average: 16.21, 11.97, 13.34
login4: 11:05am up 14 days 19:06, 13 users, load average: 0.68, 0.31, 0.21
login5: 11:05am up 14 days 19:06, 8 users, load average: 40.72, 35.99, 23.38

In this example login4 is less busy and login5 is totally overloaded, you can ssh to login4 and try working on it.

We will see what we can do to decrease effect of the file transfers on the interactive user sessions. As a general rule we can recommend to you to run file transfers at night to decrease disk load on the login nodes interactive sessions.