Dear fimm cluster user :
We will have scheduled down time for cluster on First
Of April at 08:00 am. cluster is reserved for this downtime today 13:30.
Reservation will last 24 hours until 08:00 04/02/2012
We will enforce quota on home file system during the maintenance, we
ask all users to check their home file system usage (, and
compare your quota(hardquota) and your actual usage, and
remove files accordingly.
If you don't do so, you home file system will be "locked" and you wont
be able to do anything even if you logged in after all.
We will also perform hardware and software maintenance which
includes upgrading firmware, reinstalling all compute nodes, some
cable and switch changes.
All jobs which will not be finished by 08:00 am , 04/01/2012
* WILL BE KILLED *, we kindly ask you to save/remove/take care of your
job if it will not finish on time.
If you submit a job after reservation (reservation set today 13:30),
system will check if your job can be finished before down time , if not
it will be queued until maintenance is over, if it can be finished
it will just run.
We will keep any update posted here.
Let us know if you have any further question.
Update : Down time extended until 18:00 02/04/2012
Update 15:05/02: maintenance is finished. due to network driver issue we have reserved some of the nodes for further maintenance, reservation on cluster is removed, but less nodes are in cluster.