Updated software/libraries on hexagon, Dec. 18th

The following software/libraries have been updated on Hexagon:

* MPT 4.0.0
Feature release and bug fixes.
* libpmi 1.0
Initial release, This was previously released as part of MPT.
* libpmi-devel 1.0
Initial release, This was previously released as part of MPT.
* xt-asyncpe 3.5
Bug fixes.
* hdf5-netcdf 1.6
Update to version 1.8.4 of hdf5 and bug fixes.
* Java 6.0.17
Security updates.

The following products where removed:

* MPT 3.4.0 and 3.4.1
* Java 6.0.15

Features and Bug fixes in updates

MPT 4.0.0
* The MPICH2 version which this MPI is based was upgraded from version
1.0.6p1 to 1.1.1p1 and contains the following main features:
- MPI 2.1 Standard support (except dynamic process management)
- MPI-IO supports MPI_Type_create_resized and
MPI_Type_create_index_block datatypes
- Many bug fixes from ANL

* Faster MPI_Allgatherv below 2KB msgs
(10x - 2000x faster based on runs up to 96K pes)

* Faster MPI_Scatterv above 2KB msgs (20% - 80% faster)

* Improved shmem_clear_lock (4x improvement)

* Added SHMEM_ABORT_ON_ERROR env variable for SHMEM programs

* Medium Memory Model is now supported when using the shared libraries
(exception is for the CCE compiler which is planned for a future

* Intel MPI header file compatibility - Initial step in providing
binary compatibility with Intel MPI built applications

* The Process Manager Interface (PMI) which is used to launch MPI
and SHMEM applications is now released as a separate product

Bugs Fixed:
744296 - MPI_Type_create_f90_*/MPI_Type_get_envelope not returning
expected value
748615 - If mpi_info_get KEY doesn't exist routine returns FLAG=false,
and output VALUE should be unchanged, but isn't
749487 - MPI_Type_commit dies with Assertion failed
.../datatype/dataloop/segment_ops.c at line 351:
*blocks_p > 0
749504 - Non-commutative right_op in MPI_Reduce_scatter gives
output in test redscat2.c
749707 - C MPI datatypes not defined in include files mpif.h and
751119 - MPT 3+: MPT_Cancel assertion following MPI_Irecv call with
MPI_PROC_NULL as source
754531 - Segfault when MPI_Cancel[ing] an MPI_Irecv from MPI_NULL_PROC
754969 - mpi_info_get' behavior conflicts with MPI standard

libpmi and libpmi-devel 1.0
Libpmi and libpmi-devel were previously released as part of the MPT libraries. Release 1.0 is the first packaged independent of MPT.

xt-asyncpe 3.5
Bugs fixed in the xt-asyncpe 3.5 update:

753825 xt-asyncpe 3.3 uses NETCDF_DIR which reintroduces bug 745951
754712 xt-asyncpe/3.2 and higher not supplying -default64 shmem
library for generic shmem routines
755409 MPT testing -- undefined reference to
`PMI_Get_universe_size' - due to driver support
754643 The CADES xt-pe needs to add the /opt/xt-pe path to
755593 PE drivers do not supply an alps runtime path

hdf5-netcdf 1.6
Update to HDF5 1.8.4 and bug fixes.
CCE built real64 netcdf libraries have been added.

Bugs Fixed:
755293 - Need a version of netcdf built with cce using -sreal64.

Java 6.0.17
Security fixes.
Bugs fixed:
754848 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Sun Java JDK/JRE