Tuesday June 24th will Hexagon be taken down for the final quad-core upgrade.
During the upgrade we will take up parts of the machine so short jobs can be run.
Tuesday 24th, 08:00: hexagon is shutdown for upgrading
Tuesday 24th, 09:00: half of hexagon is started, while the other half is upgraded. The rest of the machine will be turn off tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 08:00 for upgrading. The last two racks will be turned on and made available until 14:00, then the entire machine will be taken down for the final upgrade. From then on hexagon, including the file system, will unavailable until the diagnostics and checkout procedures has been completed.
Wednesday 25th, 08:00: Only the last two racks are now running.
Wednesday 25th, 14:00: The entire machine is now down for the upgrade. We will update this page when the diagnostics are completed.
Wednesday 25th, 20:00: The machine is now booted with final hardware configuration, but not available to users due to diagnostics and checkout procedures.
Thursday 26th, 23:00: The machine is still going through checkout procedures and will tomorrow start on benchmarking for the Acceptance test of the system. More information on when the system will be available for users will come Friday at 11:00.
Friday 27th, 11:00: Hexagon is currently running benchmarks. These are scheduled to complete by 18:00 today, at which point users will be allowed to login.
Friday 27th, 18:00: Hexagon is now available for users. Note that it has a scheduled slot for further benchmarking at Tuesday July 8th starting at 16:00. Jobs need to ask for walltime shorter than that.