Hexagon now has activated the accounting/allocation manager "Gold", this means that all jobs will need to have a valid cpu-account with enough cpu-hours to run the submitted job.
At the time of job-submission a "credit-check" against the specified cpu-account is done and the asked for cpu-hours are reserved until the job ends - at which time the real amount of cpu-hours is subtracted from the account. The number of cpu-hours reserved and subtracted is calculated as follows:
cpuhours = 4 * blocked nodes * wallclock time
For reservations "wallclock time" is the specified "wallclock" parameter used in the PBS script or on the command line (or the default 1 hour).
For job-end account subtraction "wallclock time" is the actual used wallclock (start-time -> end-time).
The number "4" comes from 4 cores per node. A node is considered blocked if one or more cores on the node is reserved for the user since only one job can run at any time on a node.
This means that setting e.g. mppnppn=1 and mppwidth=12 for 1 hour the actual cpu-hour usage will be calculated as:
4 * 12 * 1 = 48 cpuhours
whereas a job with mppnppn=4 (the default) and mppwidth=12 for 1 hour will have cpu-hour usage calculated as:
4* 3 * 1 = 12
If your job fails to start, you should use the command:
checkjob -v jobnumber
where jobnumber is the PBS jobnumber given to you upon job-submission. If the command returns "Cannot debit account" you need to check for correct "-A mycpuaccount" specification for your job as well as enough credits to reserve and run the job.
You can check the names and balance of your available cpu-accounts with the "cost" command.
Note also that the version of Moab scheduler was updated. Users currently logged in needs to do a "module swap moab/5.2.1 moab/5.2.2" or log out and in again to have the moab client commands use the correct version.