/work and /work-common filesystems will be unavailable on Grunch on 18th of October starting from 09:00 o'clock. This downtime is part of the scheduled maintenance advertised at

Length of downtime is up to 8 hours for /work-common and up to 2 days for /work.

Please make sure that by this time there are no jobs using /work or /work-common, to avoid data-loss and/or data corruption.

We will keep you updated here.

Update: 2016-10-19 11:07 /work-common is back online and re-mounted on grunch.

We will have a two day planned maintenance on hexagon starting on 18th of October 09:00.

During the maintenance we will carry out filesystem upgrade, firmware upgrades as well service the hardware.

The job submission system has reservation in place, thus jobs which are not able to finish before maintenance start, will not be started.

Update: 2016-10-18 09:35 Maintenance has started, slightly delayed due to traffic jam.

Update: 2016-10-19 12:00 Maintenance has been finished, Hexagon is up and accessible again.

Dear Fimm cluster and Grunch server users:

Fimm cluster and grunch server will have downtime 25th August from 09:00 to 16:00.

During this downtime we will perform hardware firmware update, internal and external switch firmware update.

For Grunch server except hardware firmware update we will also enable quota on grunchfs.

We will also update slurm version to 16.05.4 on fimm.hpc.uib.no.

Both fimm.hpc.uib.no and grunch.bccs.uib.no will not be accessible during this downtime.

We will keep all process updated on this page.

Please contact hpc-support@hpc.uib.no  if you have any questions.

26/08/2016 09:40 Update:  Firmware update is done on internal and external switches.  Slurm is updated on fimm.hpc.uib.no and Grunch firmware is also updated. Currently we are working on quota on grunchfs, which needs to scan whole file system, this will take some time before we can make gruncfs available for users on grunch server.

26/08/2016 10:40 Update: Grunch quota is enabled, and grunch server is online again.