Due to several bugs in the queuing  system, affecting mostly OpenMP jobs,  the nodes and the ppn directives are deprecated.

The new way of submitting OpenMP jobs is covered on the HPC docs site, available here: 


Have you any question on how to change your script please contact us.

There is a scheduled maintenance on UPS and UPS power lines in HPC server room on Saturday, 20th Feb. All HPC resources will be stopped at 8:30, we are expecting this maintenance to finish before 17:00 same day.

Hexagon, FImm, Grunch and other connected to them resources will be unavailable. Hexagon queuing system has reservation in place, so that jobs which are not able to finish before the maintenance will not be started.

2016-02-20 07:45
 System maintenance has started.
2016-02-20 16:30 /work-common filesystem storage got damaged, recovery progress is ongoing.
2016-02-21 07:30 System maintenance has finished, HPC systems are functional again.

Scheduler system on Hexagon is not well working with mppdepth directive.

Due to increased usage of OpenMP on the machine we had to stop supporting mppdepth. 

The new way of running OpenMP is as simple as it was before with mppdepth.

Updated documentation on how to run an OpenMP job you can find here 

Have you any question on how to change your script please contact us.