Cyclone and Grunch Downtime

Dear Cyclone and Grunch users:

We will have a short downtime at 10:00 21/02/2020, expected downtime is about 30 minutes. Please save your work in advance and log out safely before 09:45 on the same day, after this time users will be removed. We apologize for the short notice and the inconvenience it may cause you.

Feel free to contact us via if you have any questions.

Update: 10:25  Unfortunately we have to extend our downtime until 12:00 today.
Update: 11:55  downtime extended to 13:00 today.
Update: 12:30  Downtime is over. We manage to move home directory of users from the different server back to /shared filesystem,  please log in to your account on Cyclone and Grunch, check all your files are there and permission is correct.