PRACE Workshop: Programming and Optimizing the Intel Knights Landing
Manycore Processor, HPC2N, Umeå University, 2018-04-24/25
This two days workshop is arranged together with PRACE, and will have
instructors from Intel. The course focuses on programming and optimizing
the Intel Knights Landing Manycore Processor. It addresses the Intel(R) Xeon
Phi(TM), codenamed "Knights Landing (KNL)" architecture and how to best
use it efficiently.
While the focus is on the KNL, the methods are applicable to many other
architectures as well. The course is thus relevant to many different groups of
people, including HPC users and researchers who want to get as much as
possible out of their architecture. As well, the course is of interest for anyone
who wants to increase their knowledge about vectorization and optimization,
and learn more about how to apply it to their own codes.
Bring your laptop for the hands-on!
Lunch and coffee/tea will be provided.
Instructors: Mikko Byckling and Asma Farjallah from Intel.
Date: 24-25 April 2018.
Location: Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Deadline for registration: 16 April 2018
More information and registration on the course website: