Monthly Archives: September 2014

The maintenance will start at 9:00 and we expect it will take around 12 hours.

The job submission system has reservation in place such as the jobs which are not able to finish before the maintenance will not be started.

During this timeslot we are going to do the following:

* Install newer libraries, compilers and tools
* Update Cray Management Software to 7.2.UP00
* Update Cray Linux Environment to 5.2.UP00
* Apply different firmware updates and patches

IMPORTANT!: After the maintenance, the default MPT will be 7.0.x (MPICH 3.1). All software will have to be recompiled. We will come with the details and options after the maintenance.

The detailed list of the new software being installed:
* CCE 8.3.3
* MPT 7.0.3
* PMI 5.0.5
* Perftools 6.2.1
* PAPI 5.3.2
* LibSci 13.0.1
* Trilinos
* GCC 4.9.1
* PGI 14.7.0
* HDF5 1.8.13
* Netcdf 4.3.2
* Parallel-NetCDF 1.5.0
* Craype 2.2.0
* ATP 1.7.5
* LGDB 2.3.2
* Stat
* Dwarf 14.2.0
* CCDB 1.0.3
* TotalView 8.14